The Secondary Market Use Revenue Share

What is FICR How To Earn Benefits Rewards

What is FICR

The Secondary Market Use Revenue Share, also known as Feed-In-Credit Rewards (FICR) is a private initiatve by RITILITY, to incentivise adoption of sustainable power production and to curtail wastage of excess on-site generation.
FICR is for our customers who have installed RISITE energy facilities or non-captive electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS). A RISITE facility enables customers to benefit from energy storage to provide various ancillary support services for their onsite generation plants. Customers have the option to import energy shortfalls from the RISITE facility at our Primary User Prices for Buildings and Industry (PUP1) rate.

How To Earn

FICR is a net-billing arrangement that requires your premises to:

  • have sufficient onsite generation from a RISITE facility or guaranteed feed-in of exports from your own generators
  • host or make-ready to host a public-access EV Charging Station
  • be an active Ritility account
  • Customers have the option to feed-in their excess onsite generated energy for export through the RISITE facility to other Ritility customers including public EV charging. The revenue from this otherwise wasted energy is shared between the Customer and Ritility. It is the Secondary Market Use Revenue Share.

    Why We Give A FICR

  • Voluntary initiatve: hosts have option to feed-in their excess energy.
  • Payback on legacy generators: Potential to increase load factor efficiency and investment returns.
  • Contributes to the E-Mobility Infrastructure Initiative (EMI) by improviing availability of EV charging.
  • Reduces accounting work: by engaging Accounts Payable settlements rather than both Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables.
  • Secondary revenue from flexibility services: During sessions of high demand on the RISITE facility such as intense EV charging, your site can boost income margins by increasing onsite generation or reducing onsite consumption.
  • Rewards

  • Participating site hosts: Your active Ritility Account is credited quarterly with payments of The Secondary Market Use Revenue Share (Feed-In Credit Rewards, FICR).