Each RITILITY charging station is independently powered by a dedicated RISITE facility, so you get the beneftis of fast deployment, location-independence,
modular systems integration, and flexibility of both site power and EV charging capacity.
You can choose to own an EVCS, or to host and rent it with investor participation.
Whether you own or rent an EVCS, you can choose either exclusive use as captive facility for charging
your own EVs, or as shared facility that allows use by other EV drivers.
Each EVCS is estimated to produce a certain amount of energy in an average day of 4 hours peak sunshine. The actual kilometers of
electric driving potential depends on the vehicle, driving style, traffic, and road conditions. The majority of commuters travel 30km to 90km round trip per day.
When compared with the petrol fuel costs alone, you can expect a payback period of 3 to 6 years if you choose to own
your EVCS facility.